Have the Albany Jazz Band play at your event
Like to find out more about having the Albany Jazz Band play at your event? Both the Big Band and the Small Band are available for dances, parties, concerts, festivals, and community events. We are happy to work with you to select a program of music that best fits your needs.

Big Band
Perfect for large parties and dances as well as indoor and outdoor community events and concerts. The instrumentalists and vocalists of the 20-piece Big Band provide a contemporary version of the unique sound and experience of the classic swing and jazz groups from the big band era.
Small Band
Ideal for more intimate parties and dances as well as smaller indoor and outdoor community events and concerts. The 10-piece Small Band plays a wide selection of jazz, Latin, and pop instrumental and vocal music spanning the decades.

Get additional information or obtain a price quote for your event
For more information or to obtain a price quote for your event, please click the button below to send us an e-mail. Be sure to include your contact information: name, organization (if applicable), e-mail address, phone number, and best times to reach you. Also tell us about the kind of event you are planning; likely time, date, and location (if known); and any special requests or needs. We will get back to you as soon as possible.